
Marketing Strategies

Part 4 of Arts & Inclusion, A Guide for Expanding Access to the Arts for Persons with Disabilities.

From William Coleman, CDE, Former Director of Arts Access –

Marketing strategies – or, “If you build it, they will come”

Do not go it alone. Reach out and partner with other organizations so your programming and accommodations will achieve mutual goals.

Advertise your inclusive programming through your regional disability network.

Advertise your accessibility offerings.

Use Accessibility Symbols  in all advertisements and websites.

In partnership with disability organizations, design targeted events that highlight accessibility.

Advertise events as “sensory friendly” or “modified performance” so that people without disabilities may also attend and participate alongside those with disabilities.


The Clarence Brown Theatre at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville has an accessibility brochure which it makes available to extend a welcome to all and to describe available accommodations.




Part 1: Strategies for Expanding Access
Part 2: Know Your Audience
Part 3: Programming for Inclusion
Part 4: Marketing Strategies
Part 5: Unexpected Benefits of Accessibility
Download complete document here.