Grant Opportunities
Arts Access
Support for arts projects that focus on increasing access to underserved and underrepresented people.
Arts Access Mini-Grant
Support for new applicants for arts projects which focus on increasing access to underserved and underrepresented people.
Arts Build Communities
Locally administered grants for arts projects focusing on community priorities.
Arts Education Community Learning
Support for projects that demonstrate creative and innovative arts learning programming in community settings.
Arts Education Teacher Incentive
Support for Tennessee educators and teaching artists participating in arts education professional development.
Arts Education Teacher Training
Support for providing intensive professional development in arts education.
Arts Pathways for Youth Success
Support for arts learning programs preparing underserved and underrepresented youth for success.
Arts Project Support
Support for arts projects and activities across all disciplines that focus on community vitality and engagement in urban counties.
Support for whole-school arts integration programs to improve instruction and increase student outcomes through arts integration.
Creative Aging Tennessee III
The Creative Aging Tennessee III Grant for Fiscal Year 2025 provides one-time non-matching funds for nonprofit arts, senior service or community organizations, and governmental entities to support sequential arts learning for seniors aged 60+ in rural and/or culturally specific communities with the aim of improving arts skills and knowledge, well-being, and social connectedness. All teaching artists involved in the project must go through training.
Creative Placemaking
Funding to help build stronger communities through the arts for positive economic and community outcomes.
Creative Placemaking: Rural Arts Facilities Fund
Funding for rural communities to help build, renovate, or expand arts and cultural facilities resulting in positive economic and community outcomes.
Individual Artist Fellowship
Recognition and acknowledgement of outstanding professional Tennessee artists who, through their work add to the cultural vitality of the state.
Major Cultural Institutions
Support to well-established arts organizations headquartered & chartered in Tennessee, with a history of significant year-round arts programming.
Partnership Support
Support for qualified arts organizations headquartered & chartered in Tennessee.
Rural Arts Project Support
Support for arts projects and activities across all disciplines that focus on community vitality and engagement in rural counties.
Small Rural Partnership Support
Support for qualified arts organizations chartered in one of Tennessee's Rural Counties.
Small Urban Partnership Support
Support for qualified arts organizations chartered in one of Tennessee's Urban Counties.
Special Opportunities – Arts Engage
Supports projects that engage the creative sector to address needs/opportunities within arts organizations or needs/opportunities in communities through the arts. The Fiscal Year 2025 Special Opportunities application is closed at this time. Please check back for availability.
Student Ticket Subsidy
Support for artist fees, tickets, and transportation for Tennessee public schools carrying out arts field trips and in-school artist residencies.
Targeted Arts Development Initiative
Support for arts projects in underserved, rural communities with special focus on Distressed counties and At-Risk counties.
Tennessee Nonprofit Arts & Culture Recovery Fund – Round 2
Round 2 of federal support to address documented pandemic-related economic harm to TN arts nonprofits that have a track record of federal grants administration in the TN Arts Commission online grants system. This is the second and final opportunity to apply for this federal pandemic relief funding.
Tennessee Nonprofit Arts & Culture Recovery Fund Grant
Federal support to address documented pandemic-related economic harm to TN arts nonprofits that have a track record of federal grants administration in the TN Arts Commission online grants system.