Lucius Beddinger DuBose
(1932-2022) born in Columbia, SC and lived in Nashville
Marigold Contemplates Her Death, 1971
etching on paper, 17 x 11 inches, 1998.126
In 1972 this work was selected as a purchase prize by the Tennessee Arts Commission from the more than 150 entries that were on exhibit at the Dulin Gallery (now the Knoxville Museum of Art). The exhibit, Tennessee Printmakers 1972 traveled throughout Tennessee for two years.
DuBose graduated with a Master of Studio Art from the Peabody College in Nashville and at the University of Georgia. In 1970 he became a faculty member of Peabody College where he taught printmaking for seven years. In 1977 he left Peabody College and opened a printmaking studio. His work has been shown in numerous local, regional, and national shows, and he is represented in numerous public and private collections. He was a member of the Tennessee Craft and was a juried, exhibiting member of both the Southern Highlands Craft Guild in Asheville, NC, and Piedmont Craftsmen, Incorporated of Winston-Salem, NC. In addition to printmaking, Lucius published a work of nonfiction, “Reimagining God: A Spiritual Journey,” and two books of poetry, “Invited to the Dance” and “Ascend Out of Night.”