Kathy Tupper

(1945-2023) lived in Nashville
100308-35 (River Run), 2010
watercolor, 8 x 8 inches, 2015.65.21
For nearly fifty years, Tupper exhibited her work in middle Tennessee. She also taught drawing and watercolor classes at the Centennial Art Center in Nashville.
From the simplest or the most complex idea or from no idea or plan at all, I can create magic puzzles for myself and bits of wonder to share with others. The processes of painting/drawing, sculpting, and writing take me out of myself to make this new thing with a life that grows on its own. It is a part of, and apart from, me. I feel focused in production and amazed at the finish. I am exhilarated and in awe of the art I have made. How did I do that? – Tupper