Call for Grantee Photos, Survey
From Suzanne Lynch, Director of Marketing and Development –
Do you have some amazing photos from your events this past year and would like to share them? With your permission, we would love to feature them in upcoming publications and online for 2019.
We are looking for great examples of the arts in action, expressions of wonder and exciting scenes that tell a story. Photos can be either orientation but must be high resolution (jpegs 1 MB or bigger). Each photo MUST include the photographer’s credit and a caption. If any people appear in the photos, excluding large groups, the individuals should be named.
Please email your favorite images to me, now or anytime. We appreciate everyone who has sent us photos in the past and we thank you for your consideration.
Also, do you have something you would like to tell us? Take our short survey and send us your thoughts.
We are currently in the process of collecting data for our 2020-25 Strategic Plan so your input is valuable. Thank you in advance.