
Robmat Butler: Sojourn

Parable-Lots-2The Tennessee Arts Commission is currently exhibiting Sojourn, which features the recent work by Knoxville contemporary artist, Robmat Butler, April 1 – May 22, 2015.

The work in Sojourn explores Butler’s interest in objects that shape, support and define our environment. This solo exhibition studies how objects relate to each other, how we relate to these objects and how these objects create the environment in which we dwell.

Butler received his MFA in sculpture from the University of Tennessee Knoxville. He has been the featured artist for numerous solo exhibitions and has been shown in various museums, galleries and festivals throughout the country, including Miami’s Art Basel and The Foosaner Art Museum’s exhibition, Navel Gazing. He served as the Installation Coordinator for the DUMBO Arts Festival in Brooklyn, NY and is currently the co-chair for the Knoxville Dogwood Arts Festival’s Art in Public Places sculpture program.

The Tennessee Arts Commission Gallery is located at 401 Charlotte Ave., Nashville, TN 37243. The gallery is open Mondays-Fridays, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm and admission is free. To schedule a gallery tour, contact Krishna Adams at (615) 532-9798. For ADA inquiries, contact William Coleman at (615) 532-9797. Learn more about Robmat Butler at

Photo: Parable Lots 2 by Robmat Butler, enamel, plastics, water, 3.75” x 3” x 3.75”