Trevle Haley Wood

(b.1930) lives in Cannon County, TN and Sylva, NC
Butterfly Basket, 1999
white oak, 13 x 16 x 10.75 inches, 2001.68.8
The name of this white oak rib basket comes from the side view, which resembles a butterfly with outstretched wings. This unusual form is constructed of three hoops, which intersect with an elaborate knot. The narrow ribs bulge out to form four distinct sections. The splits have been dyed red, blue, brown, yellow, and pink. Wood recalls gathering the basket making materials, “We’d go into the woods and select a smooth, straight white oak. Using an axe, frow ( a cleaving tool), mallet and a wedge, we’d burst the white oak into halves, quarters, and so on, until the wood is small enough to work with using a pocket knife.” Wood’s work has been collected by the Smithsonian American Art Museum.