Sisavanh Phouthavong-Houghton

(b. 1976) lives in Murfreesboro
Wasps: Xerox Scandal, falsifying financial results for five years, booting income by 1.5 billion, 2007
acrylic on canvas, 4 x 4 feet, 2009.54.1
Phouthavong-Houghton was born in Vientiane Laos and at the age of four her family emigrated to Winfield, KS. She earned a B.F.A. in painting from the University of Kansas and an M.F.A. in painting/drawing from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, IL. She is currently an Associate Professor at MTSU in Murfreesboro, where she teaches advanced level painting. Her source material for research is autobiographical and stems from personal experience. Her work has been seen in national and international solo, juried, and invitational exhibitions throughout the U.S., Surinam, Belgium, France, Canada, and New Zealand. In July 2017, she received the Individual Artist Fellowship Award in Visual Art from the Tennessee Arts Commission.