Laura Solomon
(b.1943) lives in Ripley in Lauderdale County
Ripley Choctaw coil pitcher
white clay, 5 x 4.25 inches, 2004.50.36
In the construction of the pitcher, white clay was put through a screen mesh to remove roots and small stones. The coil pottery method was used in the formation, while a knife was used to smooth out the edges. Solomon then wet the pitcher and continued to smooth out the edges with her finger. After this, a polishing stone was used to finish the piece. Choctaw symbols in the form of peace pipe designs with half diamonds adorn the pitcher. The pitcher was then placed in an open pit using charcoal and hickory chips for fuel. Immediately after firing, the pitcher was placed in grease to seal the finish, and then washed in a mild detergent, which ends the process. The coil pot also has a diamond motif and was created through the same process.
Ripley Choctaw coil pot
White clay, 3.25 x 4.75 inches, 2004.50.37