James Gibson

(1937-2018) born in Charleston, WV, lived in Murfreesboro
Bird, 1977
steel, 23 x 13 inches, 77.36.9
Gibson earned a B.S. and B.A. from Morris Harvey College (now the University of Charleston, WV). In 1961 he received an M.F.A. in sculpture from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. In 1970 Gibson began teaching sculpture at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), retiring in 1999. His work is part of local and national collections including the Frist Center for Visual Arts, Vanderbilt University, Nissan and Bridgestone in Nashville, as well as MTSU and Chattanooga State Community College in Chattanooga. Other collections outside of TN include Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, TX; Sears Towers in Chicago, IL; Colonial Corporation of America in New York City, U.S. Army in Washington, D.C.; Huntington Galleries in Huntington, WV; Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences of West Virginia in Charleston, WV; University of Charleston in Charleston, WV; the State of West Virginia, Cultural Center in Charleston, WV; J.D.N. Enterprises in Atlanta, GA; and other private and public collections in over 30 states, Turkey, Germany, and Austria.