Jazz Road Touring Funds Available
From Ivan Schustak, South Arts –
New national program funding artists to build tours
South Arts is now accepting applications for the newly-launched Jazz Road Tours program, offering grants of up to $15,000 to support tours by emerging and mid-career jazz artists. Artists can apply for funds to build tours that reach new audiences and include three to six sites, with an emphasis on bringing jazz to rural, isolated, and underserved parts of the country.
The first cycle of funding will support tours occurring between October 2019 and September 2020, with additional cycles to be announced later this year.
Join the Jazz Road team for a webinar on May 30 at 3:00 p.m. ET to learn more about Jazz Road, program guidelines, and the application process.
Full program details, guidelines, and applications are available by visiting http://www.jazzroad.org/.
Application deadline: August 1, 2019