Tennessee Arts Commission To Host Statewide Arts Conference
Nashville, TN—The Tennessee Arts Commission will hold its statewide conference at Montgomery Bell State Park from October 28-30. All arts organizations, artists, arts advocates and supporters are welcome to attend. Registration is available online at www.tn.gov/arts.
Special Opportunity Grants are available for arts organizations and artists for conference registration, accommodations and travel. Applications can also be found at the Tennessee Arts Commission website.
Last held in 2012, the Tennessee Arts Commission designs this three-day conference to connect, educate and motivate people through the arts. This year’s conference, Cultivating the Arts in Tennessee, includes nationally renowned presenters: Becky Anderson, founding Director of Handmade in America; Bill Strickland, President and CEO of Manchester Bidwell Corporation; and Gary Glazner, founder of The Institute for Dementia Education.
Additionally, the Wednesday lunchtime plenary session, What Works in The Arts: Three Foundation’s Perspectives, includes a panel of leaders from three of Tennessee’s largest foundations: Michael McClamroch, President and CEO, East Tennessee Foundation; Gretchen Wollert McLennon, Program Director for Authentic Assets and Communications, Hyde Family Foundation; and Ellen Lehman, President, The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. The panelists will discuss how their regional arts organizations are advancing community priorities through the arts.
The conference will open with dinner and entertainment on Tuesday evening. Nine workshop sessions will follow over the next two days designed to foster learning and discussion on best practices as well as provide specific strategies and skills that can be implemented in communities across Tennessee.
There will also be opportunities for networking with peer groups, an introduction of the new Tennessee Arts Commission strategic plan with a follow-up town hall and a session with Tennesseans for the Arts on how to be a champion for the arts.
For more information and a complete schedule, visit tn.gov/arts/2014conference.html.