
Tennessee Arts Commission Announces FY25 Creative Aging Tennessee III Grants!

From Kim Johnson, Director of Arts Access –

Applications for our Creative Aging Tennessee III grants initiative opens June 17, 2024.  501c3 nonprofits (including senior centers, libraries, churches, community centers, etc.)  and/or governmental entities are encouraged to apply for up to $5,000 in funding for artist fees, materials for participants, marketing, and salary support for the applying organization.

The Tennessee Arts Commission is excited to continue supporting arts programs for older adults in our state! For the past few years, the Tennessee Arts Commission has invested in art classes for people ages 60+ and thanks to funding from the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) and E. A. Michelson Philanthropy, we can continue this work in our state.

There’s no matching requirement but all applying nonprofit organization must be offered in rural counties or culturally specific communities.  Also any artist in FY25 who implements the arts programming must be trained in techniques to enhance older adult learning. This training is virtual and will be offered free of charge in late August 2024.  To get on this training list, please contact Kim Johnson, Director of Arts Access, at or 615-532-9797.  This will be the only  training for FY25 for any programming conducted through this grant between July 1, 2024 – June 1, 2025.

For more information and to apply, visit or contact the Director of Arts Access.