
NEA Infographics offer insight to Arts Participation


As we get into the thick of the Tennessee Arts Commission’s grant season, I would like to bring attention to three new reports the National Endowment of the Arts (NEA) recently shared in the form of infographics. In addition to reinforcing the belief that the arts are a necessary enhancement to society and the economy, a few other interesting facts were made known.

Today we are constantly reminded of the vitality of economic growth. The arts annually contribute $698 billion to the U.S. economy and the industry is responsible for 4.7 million members of the work force. Additionally, in this age of technology, we see a new avenue for audiences to participate in the arts and it is hardly surprising that 71% of those that do so through electronic media are watching or listening to art.

Not only did the NEA work through how people participate in the arts, but also why they attend. The number one reason is to connect, with education and learning coming in second. Typical barriers that keep people from attending the arts are time, cost and access. But did you know that 22% of people report not attending because they had no one to go with?

Take some time to look over these colorful graphics and see the benefits the arts bring, especially to the economy. Consider supporting the arts, then find a friend and attend that event.