ADA/Section 504 Accessibility
The Tennessee Arts Commission 2015-2018 Strategic Plan states in Goal 1: Thriving Tennessee Arts and Culture an objective to expand accessibility, participation and inclusion in the arts for all Tennesseans.
Strategies for meeting that objective include:
- Define opportunities and target support for underserved communities.
- Research and share best practices for audience development, including underserved communities.
- Increase arts participation opportunities, including persons with disabilities.
These strategies can be realized through the cooperation of the artists, arts organizations, arts educators, volunteers and supporters who comprise the Tennessee arts industry. We invite you to share with us as we work towards meeting our strategic plan objectives.
If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination or to request an accommodation, contact the Director of Arts Access at 615-532-9797 or the Tennessee Relay Center at 1-800-848-0298 (TTY) or 1-800-848-0299 (Voice).
Obligation for ADA/Section 504 Compliance
The Tennessee Arts Commission is a recipient of federal financial support from the National Endowment for the Arts and other federal agencies. As a recipient of Tennessee Arts Commission funds, your organization is subject to compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. In addition, there are other federal laws that are noted on the Assurances section of the grant application form and subsequent grant contracts that require your organization’s compliance. Please read those documents carefully and know that by signing them, you are guaranteeing the compliance of your organization.