David Gibson
(n.d.) born in Chicago and lives in Nashville
Untitled (blown glass bottle), 2008
colored glass, 8 ½ x 5 ½ inches, 2015.65.15
When Gibson was 18 he worked at Cumberland Stained Glass, learning how to cut, hand bevel, construct, and install stained glass. He also worked for Emmanuel Stained Glass in Nashville. Eventually, Gibson built a studio, Boiler Room Glass to make his signature marbles from hot glass as well as tumblers, vases, and ornamental pieces. In 2008 he participated in the Craft Master Artist Apprentice Program collaboration between the Tennessee Arts Commission and Tennessee Craft to encourage and invest in the continuation, advancement and creation of Tennessee craft through recognizing the role of the master craft artist and apprentice relationship as a way to preserve the state’s cultural heritage.