
Tennessee Disability Coalition Small-Grant Opportunity

From Tennessee Disability Coalition –

The Tennessee Disability Coalition is pleased to announce our semi-annual discretionary small grants funding opportunity. The purpose of the small grants program is to build capacity in the disability community to serve individuals with disabilities and their families.


In keeping with the mission of the Coalition, to help build a society that includes and values people with disabilities, the purpose of the small grants program is to build capacity in the disability community to serve individuals with disabilities and their families.

The definition of capacity building adopted by the TDC Board of Directors in 2018:

Capacity Building is not just about the capacity of a nonprofit today — it’s about the future. Distinct capacity-building projects such as identifying a communications strategy, improving volunteer recruitment, developing a leadership succession plan, identifying more efficient uses of technology, and engaging in collaborations with community partners — all build the capacity of a charitable nonprofit to effectively deliver its mission in the future.  When capacity building is successful, it strengthens a nonprofit’s ability to fulfill its mission over time and enhances the nonprofit’s ability to have a positive impact on lives and communities. 

~ National Council of Nonprofits

Eligibility Guidelines

The Tennessee Disability Coalition will make grants available to Tennessee IRS-designated tax-exempt organizations and governmental entities.

  • In order to be eligible, an organization’s unrestricted funds as part of its annual budget must be less than $2 million.
    • Unlike restricted funds, unrestricted funds are designated by the funder and usually go toward operating expenses, or the program of the nonprofit’s choice.
  • Prior Grant Recipients cannot re-apply for two-years (Four grant cycles), with the exception of topic-specific grant cycles
  • Private foundations and agency members of the Coalition Grant Committee are not eligible to apply.

Click the link for more information and to apply: