
Arts Nonprofit Nuts & Bolts Educational Webinar Series

From Jonathan Harwell-Dye, Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville –

Join us for Arts Nonprofit Nuts & Bolts, a two-part webinar series offering a practical guide to arts nonprofit leadership best practices for administrators, founders, and board members!

The first session, titled “So, You Want to Start an Arts Nonprofit,” is May 25 and explores the purpose of nonprofits, how to determine if a nonprofit is the right course of action, and the process of filing for nonprofit status. Attendees receive a Nonprofit Formation Assistance Workbook, as well as future assistance, if needed, filing for 501(c)(3) status through the Arts & Business Council’s Volunteer Lawyers & Professionals for the Arts.

The second Session, titled “The Basics of Running a Nonprofit in Tennessee,” is June 8. Attendees will learn about nonprofit financial management, board development, and staff development as well as the basics of nonprofit fundraising and development, storytelling, and what constitutes a healthy funding mix for their organizations. Attendees will receive a copy of “What Every Board Member Should Know” from the TN Attorney General’s Office’s guide to running a nonprofit in Tennessee.

Register today for free at

Supported by funding from the Tennessee Arts Commission.