Gallery Application Guidelines

The Tennessee Arts Commission Gallery presents an active and diverse selection of exhibitions that showcase artists living and creating art in Tennessee. The Gallery has actively recognized and featured relevant art of the region for over 17 years. Through the Gallery, the Tennessee Arts Commission strives to recognize and promote the artistic inspirations that speak to and about the world of art in and out of Tennessee.

How to apply to have your work exhibited in the Tennessee Arts Commission Gallery


  • Gallery applicants must reside in Tennessee and be practicing artists of exceptional talent currently creating in their chosen discipline
  • Gallery applicants must be at least 18 years of age and be legal residents of Tennessee at the time of application with a Tennessee mailing address
  • Proof of residency requires a valid Tennessee voter registration card or a legal State of Tennessee driver’s license
  • Ineligible applicants include previous Tennessee Arts Commission Gallery artists, minors (individuals under 18 years of age), and Tennessee Arts Commissioners, staff members or members of their families

Please understand that awarded exhibition space for artists is highly competitive and fills quickly.


The Tennessee Arts Commission’s Director of Visual Arts, Craft, Media, and Design along with support from management and staff review potential applications. The primary evaluation criterion is artistic excellence based on work samples submitted with the application. Specific instructions on what and how to submit supporting and work materials are at the end of this document.


  • To be considered, complete the online form, “Gallery Artist Application” found here.
  • Upload the following materials when prompted in the application form:
    1. A scan (.jpeg or .pdf) of applicant’s Tennessee voter’s registration card or a legal and valid Tennessee driver’s license
    2. A current professional, artist resume (.jpeg or .pdf)
    3. An artist statement, not to exceed 500 words, in which you describe your work and artistic intention. This short statement should provide background information and influences on your body of work, overall artistic philosophy, and a brief history of your development as an artist
    4. Provide no less than 10 and no more than 30 digital images and upload a checklist that accompanies the images. The checklist should include the title, dimensions, and media of each work. Images should be uploaded as high resolution .jpegs. Optimal size is 8″x10″ at 300 dpi. Note each image should not exceed 64mb
    5. If the works being submitted for consideration have been exhibited anywhere in the past five years, please list the work, where it was shown, and when

Select the submit button when you have finished your application. If you would like to save your work and return later, select the SAVE AND CONTINUE button. If you navigate away form the screen without saving, you will lose your work.


Applicants will be notified within four (4) weeks from receipt of application to the Tennessee Arts Commission. Applications will be kept on file for one (1) year if artist is not selected during the year of submission.


Contact Krishna Adams Director of Visual Arts, Craft, Media, and Design at or at 615.532.9798.