Ashton Ludden is an artist and educator with specialization in hand-engraving, printmaking, and sign painting. She studied Engraving Arts and Printmaking at Emporia State University receiving her B.F.A. in 2009 and her M.F.A. in Printmaking from the University of Tennessee in 2013.
Ludden is the co-founder, director, and an active artist of Relay Ridge, which is a Collaborative Artist Space, offering local Knoxville artists private artist studios, a gallery, and community printshop. She teaches printmaking at Knoxville’s Community School of the Arts, a non-profit offering free art classes to low income families. She is also the 2D Coordinator for the Spring Pentaculum Artist Residency at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts and teaches various workshops throughout the region.
When she’s not in her studio or tricking others into liking printmaking, you will likely find her hiking with her dogs in the Cumberland Plateau, laughing with her partner Andrew, or napping with her cat.